Product Description
Purple St. Joseph Scapular with Keys of Saint Peter on Reverse
Saint Joseph Purple Scapular. Woolen scapular with medal.
The St. Joseph Scapular was approved for the Diocese of Verona by a Decree of the Congregation of Rites of 8 July, 1880. On 15 April, 1898, Leo XIII granted to the General of the Capuchins the faculty of blessing and investing the faithful everywhere with this scapular. From the Diocese of St-Claude in France this scapular (at first white) was spread by the Capuchins; but it was later decreed that the shape and color of that used in Verona should be used.
In this form, the two segments of woolen cloth are of a violet color; to these are sewed two pieces of gold-colored material (linen, cotton, etc.) of equal size. On the gold-colored segment before the breast is the representation of St. Joseph with the Child Jesus on his right arm and the staff of lilies in his left hand, while underneath is the inscription: "St. Joseph, patron of the Church, pray for us." On the other gold-colored segment is represented the papal crown, the tiara, above it the dove as the symbol of the Holy Ghost, and underneath it the keys of St. Peter with the inscription: "Spiritus Domini ductor eius" (The Spirit of the Lord is his Guide). The bands are white.
This scapular having been approved by the Congregation of Rites on 18 April, 1893, various indulgences were granted for all the faithful who wear it by a Rescript of the Congregation of Indulgences, 8 June, 1893 ("Acta S. Sedis", XXXIV, 317).
This scapular is to remind us of the virtues of St Joseph which are humility, modesty and purity; to remind us to pray to St Joseph, asking him to pray particularly for the Church; and to grant us a happy death.
Once you have been invested in the scapular, it must be worn at all times in order to share in the indulgences and privileges of the particular scapular. Should you remove the scapular for any period of time (bathing etc...) you are no longer eligible for its associated blessings, however, as soon as you resume wearing the scapular you are reinvested in its indulgences. Should your scapular wear out, you may replace it with an unblessed scapular, as the indulgences are invested in the devotion of the wearer, not the object. The proper way to dispose of worn-out / damaged scapulars is to either bury or burn them.
There is a plenary indulgence for those who confess, receive Holy Communion and pray for the intentions of the Holy Father on the following feast days: the day of investment of the scapular, 25 December , 1 January, 6 January, 2 February, 19 March, 25 March, Easter, Feast of the Ascension, 15 August, 8 September, 8 December, 3rd Sunday after Easter and at the time of death. It is recommended also to say 5 Our Fathers, 5 Hail Marys and 5 Glorias before the Blessed Sacrament at these times.
Approved by the Congregation of Sacred Rites on April 18, 1893
Let us pray.
Lord Jesus Christ, who willed to be given over to the custody of St. Joseph, spouse of Mary, your Immaculate Mother, be pleased to bless this garment, designed as a safeguard for the faithful of your Church. Grant that this servant of yours may serve you steadfastly and devoutly, under the protection of St. Joseph. We ask this of you who live and reign forever and ever.All: Amen.
The priest sprinkles the scapular with holy water, and invests the person with it, saying:
Take, dear brother (sister), this scapular of St. Joseph, spouse of the blessed Virgin Mary; and having him as a guardian and protector, may you be defended from the wickedness of the devil, and finally attain everlasting life; through Christ our Lord.
All: Amen.
Lastly the priest kneels and says three times the following invocation, with the newly enrolled joining in:
Priest and Newly Enrolled: St. Joseph, our protector, pray for us.
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