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This children’s picture book has been popular with children for many years. The inside front cover contains the Litany of the Eucharist which has been approved for private use. The inside back cover contains the index.
The Eucharist is explained through Scripture stories and events and colorful illustrations.
Topics covered are:
The Sacrifice of Cain and Abel
Abraham’s Sacrifice
The Passover
Jesus Celebrates the Passover
The Institution of the Holy Eucharist
Jesus Offers Himself in the Mass
The Highest Act of Worship
The Mass—Our Greatest Gift to God
The Manna in the Desert
Jesus Feeds Five Thousand People
Jesus Is the Bread of Life
Jesus Promised the Holy Eucharist
Jesus Is Our Food in Holy Communion
Holy Communion Helps Us to Love God and Each Other
“The Breaking of the Bread”
Jesus Is With Us in the Tabernacle
Jesus Is “God with Us”
Small children will sit still as they listen to the stories. Children in grades two and three of elementary school will be able to read the stories themselves. The Holy Eucharist is a clearly explained, theologically sound, gentle explanation of the Blessed Sacrament of Christ’s Body and Blood. The book is a perfect gift for any Catholic child.
This children?s picture book has been popular with children for many years. The Eucharist is explained through Scripture stories and events and colorful illustrations. See also soft cover version on this link.