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FREQUENT CONFESSION covers the benefits we receive when we confess our sins regularly. It also explains how to confess our sins correctly.
The book is divided into two parts. The first part is titled FREQUENT CONFESSION. This part covers purpose of amendment, how to make a purpose of amendment, and its importance in overcoming sin. Also covered in this section is how to correctly state our sins and how much detail to give when confessing. To better know our true selves, we should learn how to properly examine our conscience. To do this it is necessary to properly form and develop our conscience.
The second part of the book is titled CONSIDERATIONS. These chapters cover venial sin, how to overcome deliberate venial sin, sins of frailty, self righteousness, compunction of heart, a life of prayer and much more. The more a person reads, the more a person will see his or her shortcomings. The author then explains how to defeat our shortcomings so that we can gain spiritually from regular confession.
I purchased this book because I would regularly go to confession and confess the same sins over and over. I also wasn't sure I was properly examining my conscience, and I wanted to know why frequent confession was so important. All these questions and many more were answered for me in this book FREQUENT CONFESSION.
The book went into enough detail so that all subjects could be understood, but at the same time the book was to the point with no rambling. It was an easy read and it cited Scripture and writings of the Saints to back up its points. I feel most people would gain something from reading this book.
FREQUENT CONFESSION covers the benefits we receive when we confess our sins regularly. It also explains how to confess our sins correctly.