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Eucharistic Miracles of the World from the Vatican Exhibition is the result of research done by Blessed Carlo Acutis before his death from leukemia at the age of 15. This book contains all of the posters used in the Vatican Eucharistic Miracles of the World Exhibition. A sample page from the book is shown.
Each Eucharistic Miracle is portrayed on one or more pages, accompanied with text, photos, and art work. Each of the over 100 miracles presented has been approved by the Catholic Church.
The book presents a virtual tour and a historical guide to the many amazing miracles that prove the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Miracles have occurred in Amsterdam, Siena, France, Italy, Argentina, and many other places worldwide. The book itself is like a shrine to Blessed Carlo Acutis for whom the Eucharist was a pillar of his faith. A prayer card featuring some of his spiritual insights is on this link. The Carlo Acutis Official Prayer is on this link and a Eucharistic Prayer asking Carlo's intercession is on this link.
A free prayer card accompanies this order. In addition, the book comes with free shipping to USA locations which makes it cheaper than Amazon.