Pentecost is the birthday of the Church! Happy Birthday!
Pentecost is the day on which the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles, making them fearless evangelizers and defenders of the faith.
Celebrate the Holy Spirit!
Have a Birthday Party for the Birthday of the Church, complete with cake and ice cream! Use Scriptural napkins:
Buy 2 or more and get a bulk discount.
Buy Napkins on this link.
Learn more about the action of the Holy Spirit.
By Father John Randall, STD (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: Koinonia Enterprises, 2009). 9.95
No Spirit, No Church on this link.
Pray a Novena to the Holy Spirit.

Buy any 4 books in any combination of titles in the Children's Books--St. Joseph Edition category (SKU begins with SJ) and get a fifth book of your choice free. Unlimited use.
Holy Spirit Book on this link.
Display a Cross about the Holy Spirit
Approximately 8" tall by 5" wide. FREE SHIPPING. 12.95 Limited quantity.
Wear a medal of the Holy Spirit
Bulk prices available. 75cHoly Spirit Medal on this link.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit, Laminated prayer card. 1.00
Buy laminated prayer cards (SKU contains letters RR) in any quantity
and any combination, and every fifth card is free of charge.
Holy Spirit Prayer Card on this link.
Happy Pentecost!