What would make your life more peaceful? Simpler? More joyful?
Living like one of the most peaceful, joyful, and simple saints who ever walked the earth--Saint Francis of Assisi.
Franciscan Virtues through the Year: 52 Steps to Conversion from Saint Francis of Assisi
is a new book just published by the Confraternity of Penitents. Each week of the year, the reader learns about, meditates on, and practices one virtue which Francis especially loved.
Each reflection contains a Scripture verse, writing of Saint Francis, and incident of his life as recorded in his early biographies. There follow a reflection on the virtue, meditation, and a call to practice that virtue for a week.
At the end of the year, we guarantee a positive change in your outlook on life.
The virtues discussed are: Attentiveness -- Confession -- Courage -- Courtesy -- Detachment -- Discernment -- Eagerness -- Empathy -- Encouragement -- Eucharistic Reverence -- Evangelization -- Example -- Faith -- Fraternity -- Generosity -- Gratitude -- Honesty -- Hope -- Humility -- Imitation of Jesus -- Joy -- Justice -- Love of Enemy -- Love of God -- Love of Neighbor -- Love of Self -- Loyalty to Church -- Marian Devotion -- Minority -- Obedience -- Pardon -- Patience -- Peace -- Perseverance -- Poverty -- Praise -- Prayer -- Presence -- Purity -- Respect for Creation - Sacrifice Self- knowledge -- Service -- Silence -- Simplicity -- Surrender -- Trust -- Vigilance -- Vulnerability -- Wisdom -- Witness -- Work
$10.95 on this link.