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Official Prayer to Saint Carlo Acutis with Quotes from St. Carlo. 3" x 5" on sturdy card stock. Buy in bulk and save among prayer cards of same price. Discount calculates upon check out.
Oh God, Our Father, thank You for giving us Carlo, a model of life for young people, and a message of love for all. You made him fall in love with Your Son Jesus, making the Eucharist his “highway to heaven.” You gave him Mary, as a beloved Mother, and, with the Rosary, You made him sing the praises of her tenderness. Accept his prayer for us. Attend especially to the poor, whom he loved and assisted. Through his intercession, may I receive the grace I need (mention your intention). May his smile shine in Your Kingdom as it did for us, to emanate the glory of Your Holy Name. Amen.
Pray one Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be
Imprimatur + Archbishop Domenico Sorrentino
Bishop of Assisi - Nocera Umbra -Gualdo Tadino, Italy
Quotes from Saint Carlo Acutis
- “By standing before the Eucharistic Christ, we become holy.”
- “Outside God is noise, turmoil, quarrel, war.”
- “To (our Lord) I can always confide anything. I can also complain, question Him in His silence, tell Him what I don’t understand.”
- “Our goal must be infinite, not the finite. The infinite is our homeland. Heaven has been waiting for us forever.”